Sunday, September 9, 2007

PolyCycle Day Twenty One

3am nap: Woke up with the alarm and felt a bit more refreshed and awake that I have in the last 3 days. (30min)
7am nap: Repeated use of the Sleep button. Frustration. Not sure to call it an oversleep or the body demanding that I get some REM. 70 min
11am nap: Took me awhile to get to REM. Got awoken by the alarm and turned it off. Got awoken by my wife, and managed to make some excuse for her to let me sleep. Got back into the "Crisis at the Airport Control Tower" dream. Sleeping time.. hard to tell. ~45 min
3pm nap: Went to the Maui Craft fair instead. Yea me.
7pm nap: Drove around looking for some bakery and then dinner. Skipped nap. Yea me again.
11pm nap: Doubled up on the nap.. 25 + 35 minutes.

This weekend was plagued with missed naps and was a large blur. Certainly this would lead you to believe that this sleep pattern is just not sustainable for a busy life. I would have to agree with you in principle, but I think that there would be a way to change the spacing of the naps and perhaps even swing into the Everyman cycle for the trip and back to the Uberman once back to normal.

Quick Stats: STR: 12 DEX: 13 CON: 16 INT: 9 WIS: 10 CHA: 5
"I want to feel that lightning strike me
And burn me down

Knock me out!

Knock me out!"

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