Tuesday, September 18, 2007

PolyCycle Day Thirty

Today, I will attempt to reestablish the PolyPhasic Uberman Sleep patern. Should be easier, but.. sheesh.
For the record..
My average sleep time for the last 29 days = 3.37 hours.
Average sleep for last 7 days = 4.28
Really wish I'd kept a better log of my sleep paterns before this experiment.

3am nap: Definitely could have used more sleep. Mind is protesting. 28 minutes.
7am nap: Very untired. Decided to skip. I will probably take an extra nap at night to fill in.
11am nap: Zonked right out. 25min
3pm nap: Skipped
7pm nap: Skipped. All though, I was told I took a good number of micro naps (some of which included snoring). Unknown time.
11pm nap: Out like a light.. another Zonk Nap.

Overall, I feel like I've got more brain power.. but still, there is a fog to fight thru.
Tonight is going to be a rough night.
I do not have high hopes from productivity, but there are some projects that I must finish. The Work comes first, dontcha know.
I'll be doing those first.

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