Monday, September 3, 2007

PolyCycle Day Fourteen

Day two in the outdoors.
3am nap: Thanks go out to Claudio and Anton for the fascinating conversation that helped get me to 3am. Very very tired. This nap went rather well. Woke up before the alarm went off.
7am nap: Claudio made it until about 4am (Guessing), but Anton, obviously not yet out of 'root beer' was more than willing to engage me in debate to help me stay up.
Yes, he stayed up with me until 7am. Family never goes out of style.
11am nap: Still very tired from trying to get back on schedule. This nap began almost immediately, and contained a very vivid dream. I awoke after 17 minutes of sleep with my pulse in the 170's and slightly disoriented. Once I realized I was dreaming, I lay back down and was able to control the direction of the dream.. Actor and director. Sweet.
3pm nap: Event pack down seems to take forever. An extended member of our group got caught in a downpour as we were about ready to leave. We, being who we are, stopped to laugh.. er.. help out. There's something about helping someone with absolutely no expectations of payment/reward. We carried his belongings from the his campsite to the permanent structure in the rain. Then carried them to his truck. Good and self rewarding work.
Nap pushed back to 4pm. Pure exhaustion.
7pm nap: I delayed this nap until 8pm to see if I could normalize the nap structure a bit. Awaking from this nap provided no sense of rest of sleep. Needed to hold on to the handrail to go down the stairs. Tired.
11pm nap: Extremely difficult to scrape myself out of bed. Strong feeling of being the walking dead. Constant and determined effort is required to keep eyes open. Needed some activity that required minimal brain work, and some physical activity. Console Video Games to the rescue. Mario Party 8.

Quick Stats:
STR: 18 (lots of lifting today)
DEX: 17 (play sword fighting with the kids)
CON: 16 Surviving (not yet thriving) on 20 minute power naps..
INT: 8 Is this really a good idea?
WIS: 10
CHA: 5 -Need shave and a shower.

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